
Companies, Entities, Agencies, Individuals and Friends Supporting Water Safety in California

The Challenge

Drowning is a major problem globally, in the United States and in the State of California. Approximately 400 drowning deaths occur each year in California, in addition to non-fatal events resulting in another 400 hospitalizations and over 1,000 emergency department visits per year.  Each submersion event affects multiple lives: the person who drowns, family members, rescuers, and the community at large. Moreover, both fatal and non-fatal drowning events are associated with complex emotional, economic and societal costs that justify robust prevention and risk reduction efforts.

Many organizations including governmental bodies, private industry and non-profit groups are involved in water safety and drowning prevention in the State of California. These actors focus on a variety of water safety and drowning prevention topics and many have a track record for collaboration, but do not work together in any official capacity. In other states and countries, diverse arrays of water safety stakeholders collaborate in multi-sectoral organized coalitions or alliances to improve the efficacy and impact of their work.

Your Donations Help

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Supporter ($1,000)

Logo/Name on website and special donor updates via email

Water Watcher ($2,500)

Logo/Name on website and special donor updates via email
Logo/Name recognition via eblast to the community

Lifeguard ($5,000)

Logo/Name on website and special donor updates via email
Logo/Name recognition via eblast to the community
Participate in Advisory Council Meetings

Lifesaver ($10,000+)

Logo/Name on website and special donor updates via email
Logo/Name recognition via eblast to the community
Participate in Advisory Council Meetings
Receive complimentary tickets to annual summit
Take part in CWSC 2.0 strategy meetings

Donate Today

Koon Foundation

Thank you!

CWSC donors are individuals who share a vision for creating a California where everyone is safe in and around water. From $10 contributions to several thousand dollar donations, this support is vital for the Coalition’s work focused on reducing the rate and burden of drowning and aquatic injuries in California.

If you represent a business or organization and would like to support the CWSC, please see our Sponsor page here.

CWSC Donors

Other donor’s names and organizations will be included in a recognition list to highlight their generosity.

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