About Us

Drowning is a major problem globally, in the United States and in the State of California. Approximately 400 drowning deaths occur each year in California, in addition to non-fatal events resulting in another 400 hospitalizations and over 1,000 emergency department visits per year. Each submersion event affects multiple lives: the person who drowns, family members, rescuers, and the community at large. Moreover, both fatal and non-fatal drowning events are associated with complex emotional, economic and societal costs that justify robust prevention and risk reduction efforts.

Many organizations including governmental bodies, private industry and non-profit groups are involved in water safety and drowning prevention in the State of California. These actors focus on a variety of water safety and drowning prevention topics.

The California Water Safety Coalition aspires to be a central body to lead state-wide strategy in the development, implementation and evaluation of water safety policy, education, and programs across the age spectrum, bodies of water, activities, and Californian geography.

The California Water Safety Coalition will serve as an umbrella group for drowning prevention and water safety organizations to work together to coordinate activities.

Over the next several years, the California Water Safety Coalition aspires to regularly convene water safety stakeholders, coordinate the application of the National Water Safety Action Plan in California, develop a central hub of information and resources, and provide meaningfully useful materials and definitions of key terms.